About this site

About this site
Castle Trail in Badlands National Park, SD.

Hi there,

I've spent the last decade or so working in the smart buildings industry. During that time, I built two building automation systems, wrote a couple of protocol stacks, and learned a few things about what it takes to operate control systems at scale.

I am currently serving as:

  • the convener of the BACnet IT working group
  • a voting member of ASHRAE's SSPC 135 (a.k.a. "the BACnet committee")
  • the convener of ISO/TC 205/WG 3 (Building Automation and Control Systems)

I also contribute to several other standards and committees. That said, all opinions expressed on this website are my own.

When I need a break from buildings, computers, or some gnarly combination of the two, I tend a little garden full of native Nebraska plants and take ambling walks through the city with my brilliant partner.

Now that we've gotten to know each other, why not send me an email?
